Novel Readiness Critique.
Know your story or novel is truly ready without worry for beta reading or publishing before you start beta reading, send to an editor, or start publishing.
A Novel Readiness Critique isn't a full Developmental Edit but it can lead you to a better Beta Read or Publish. It points out from a higher level the hot areas for you to address in your self-edit.
Know your novel or story is ready before beta reading or publishing.
Readiness Critique For
Beta Read
Introductory Package
- Intro, Middle, End. Plus Extras.
- Areas: Needing Work, Liked Best, Confusing, Liked Least.
- Plot, Consistency, Characters, Grammar, Spelling, Pacing.
- Correct This Before Beta Reading.
- Beta Reading Guide.
Readiness Critique For
Introductory Package
- Intro, Middle, End. Plus Extras.
- Areas: Needing Work, Liked Best, Confusing, Liked Least.
- Plot, Consistency, Characters, Grammar, Spelling, Pacing.
- Correct This Before Publishing.
- Publishing Guide.
Any monies or donations collected are used to pay for services, as well as donations to Alzheimer's Research.
*Special includes introductory pricing.